Filled With Wisdom

Simiya Sudduth
June – August 2021


Filled with Wisdom, is an affirmation, as a well as an invitation. When we pause and connect with our breath and the present moment, we can access and enjoy some of the deepest acts of self-care and self-love possible. Deep breathing can be a powerful tool in cultivating a sense of personal empowerment and wellness. When we pause and check in with ourselves and listen to the messages that our body is sending, we can strengthen our intuition: our guiding light in life. 

Now more than ever, we are all reminded of the importance of our health, in mind, body and spirit. When we actively cultivate our own personal healing and self-care practices, we are engaging in acts of liberation by actively resisting systems of oppression that encourage us to neglect ourselves and each other. 

This piece also acts as a reminder that the presence, strength, and wisdom of Ancestors, both collective and personal, are available to guide us at any time when we are open and willing to receive their connection.

Filled With Wisdom is the last of three installations as part of the Stories of Resistance exhibition at the Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis, which explores artistic forms of resistance from across the world. Through visual narratives, artists amplify and bring to focus the multitude of conditions that ignite and inspire people to resist. The exhibition activates the entire museum space, inside and out, with video, photography, drawing, sculpture, painting, and installation.



Simiya is a mother, multidisciplinary artist, and wellness practitioner, currently living and practicing in St. Louis, MO. She maintains a fluid creative practice influenced by her work as a wellness practitioner, that explores the intersections of health, wellness, ecology, social justice, and spirituality. Simiya’s expansive creative practice ranges from creating illustrations to artist-farming, installation, and experimental sound healing performances.  

More about Simiya’s Art Practice

More about Simiya’s Wellness Practice