Located at MaTovu, in Botanical Heights.


Molly M. Pearson
February – April 2024

A BETTER FUTURE begins in the cracks of a crumbling empire. Through acts of community care, action, and refusal, we cleave the cracks open wider across time and space. We let the future rush in, just as our ancestors did, and just as our children will. The future is iterative. It was yesterday, it is tomorrow. It is here. 



MOLLY M. PEARSON is a writer, educator, and organizer based in St. Louis, Missouri. Her work centers sex, identity, aging, illness, community, and the risks we take to survive and make life worth living. Her writing can be found at The New Territory, Catapult, TheBody, Foglifter, and elsewhere, and she is a co-curator of Changeling, a local cross-genre queer reading series. She teaches at the Brown School of Social Work at Washington University, and is a member of the What Would an HIV Doula Do? (WWHIVDD) collective, an interdisciplinary community of people joined in response to the ongoing AIDS crisis. She implores us all to listen to our elders.


Funding for this installation was provided, in part, by the National Academy of Design/Edwin Austin Abbey Memorial Trust Fund for Mural Painting in the United States.